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Quick Start Guide

Get Namviek up and running in under 30 minutes

Quick Deployment Guide

This guide will help you get Namviek running quickly using Vercel (frontend) and Render (backend).

Step 1: Deploy Frontend (15 minutes)

  1. Folow the guide to deploy Frontend to Vercel
  2. Click the "Deploy to Vercel" button
  3. Configure basic environment variables
  4. Save the frontend URL for backend configuration

Step 2: Deploy Backend (15 minutes)

  1. Setup MongoDB Atlas
  2. Setup Redis Cloud
  3. Deploy to Render
  4. Configure environment variables with your frontend URL

Step 3: Final Configuration

  1. Setup Gmail Authentication
  2. Test the application
  3. (Optional) Configure AWS S3 for file storage

What's Next?

Getting Started

Setup Guide


Backend deployment

Development Guide

Frontend deployment
