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Custom domain with Cloudflare

This document guides you to use free HTTPS

Note that, this only for those who setup Namviek on their own server (Ex: Aws Lightsail). So if you're planning to run Namviek on DO, Render please ignore this document.

Buy a domain

Visit one of these domain provider (Namecheap, Godaddy, Cloudflare) to get your own domain first. If you've already have a domain on Namecheap or Godaddy, please point that domain to Cloudfalre

Create A record

Now, click on your domain to go to DNS > Records. Here, you can create an A record and point it to your server's IP as follow.

cloud flare https

As the image above, I created testapi record in So I can access to address:

That's it. Now you can use it for Vercel or Netlify setup

Getting Started

Setup Guide


Backend deployment

Development Guide

Frontend deployment
